Is American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU) part of the University of Glasgow?   

No, AAGU is an independent, charitable corporation organised in the United States. AAGU is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (recognised by the U.S Internal Revenue Service) which funds grants that benefit the University of Glasgow. 

Why should a supporter make a donation to AAGU rather than directly to the University of Glasgow?

Donations to AAGU by US taxpayers can be deducted from Federal Income Taxes as charitable donations.

If you itemise income tax deductions on your tax return, the full value of your cash gift is tax-deductible. AAGU is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code therefore all donations are tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the full extent permitted by law. 

Also, if your employer has a matching gift programme regulations may prohibit a gift to the University of Glasgow but are allowed to be directed to AAGU.

How does AAGU award grants to the University of Glasgow?

The Board of Directors make monetary grants to a wide range of approved projects at the University. 

A copy of our latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from our Treasurer.

Can I specify which area I would like my donation to support?

In accordance with U.S. tax law, AAGU may not receive restricted gifts. However, the Board of AAGU gives every consideration to donors’ requests when allocating gifts to the University of Glasgow. Details about individual gifts to AAGU will be shared with the University.

If I give new contact address details to AAGU, will they automatically go to the University of Glasgow?

Yes, we will forward the information to the Development and Alumni Office to update your details on the database.

Does AAGU coordinate events for alumni?   

AAGU is a network of alumni volunteers located across the US. We welcome your ideas - suggest an event in your area and in conjunction with the University of Glasgow’s Development and Alumni Office we will help you organise it. Learn more about Events for Alumni and Friends