Arc exterior splash

The Home of Collaborative Research

In June 2022, we were delighted to open the doors of the Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre. Supported by gifts from UofG’s donor community, this cutting-edge space represented a huge leap forward in UofG’s ambitious campus redevelopment. The building is now regarded as the creative and collaborative heart of interdisciplinary research and is home to a wide array of disciplines, projects and public events.  

This film explores the work of Dr Lisa Bradley, Senior Lecturer in Creative and Interdisciplinary Studies and ARC Interdisciplinary Lead. Her work focuses on the importance of creativity in bringing communities and societies together and changing perspectives within institutions.  

Dr Bradley said, “Thanks to philanthropic support, the ARC is unlocking new possibilities for research with curiosity, creativity and collaboration at its core. In bringing together different perspectives, the ARC is not simply changing how research is done - it’s changing the world by opening up new ways of thinking, creating and understanding.  

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