0;*/ $_t4StyleInternal = $internal; if($_t4StyleInPreview){ $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://t4.gla.ac.uk'; echo ''; } else { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www.gla.ac.uk'; } if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'udcf.gla.ac.uk') { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://udcf.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'www2.gla.ac.uk') { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www2.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif(($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'www.gla.ac.uk')&&($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] == 'https')) { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost'){ $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'http://localhost'; } ?> edit in t4', $internal); ?>

Adam Smith 300 Academic Workshops

As part of a week-long series of activities to commemorate the tercentenary of alumnus Adam Smith, the University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences, with support from the Templeton Foundation and the Institute for Humane Studies, hosted a day of open workshop sessions designed to encourage deep thought into Adam Smith’s writings and his relevance to contemporary economic and policy debates.

Each workshop featured 3-4 academics who led discussions related to the topic, with audience engagement encouraged. 

We were delighted to welcome scholars and practitioners from around the world including:

Event sponsors

Logo with a small circle with spokes of growing length radiating from it and the words ' The John Templeton Foundation. Inspiring Awe and Wonder'

logo for the institute for human studies at George Mason University, Source: The institute for human studies

Audience standing with Graeme Roy and another speaker discussing in the foyer at the Advanced Research Centre Source: Claire Martin, College of Social Sciences

A crowd of people looking at the 5  lectures: Alex Trew, Deirdre McCloskey, Vladimir Maltse, Francesco Fiore and Luz Arias. With four whiteboards behind them introducing the main topic of discussion: Can Adam Smith help us understand the nature and causes of the wealth of nations in 2023. Source: Claire Martin, College of Social Sciences


Group of people looking at a table filled with books of Adam Smith. Source: Claire Martin College of Social Sciences

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