Life and times of Adam Smith
Adam Smith's life and the context in which he worked were under the spotlight in the Adam Smith tercentenary, with discussions offering new insights and reflections.
Experts worldwide shared their knowledge in lectures, podcasts, and articles about Smith, Enlightenment thought, and British trade and empire in the 18th century.
Discovering Adam Smith
Learn more about the University of Glasgow's most famous alumni through this virtual reality platform.
Explore Adam Smith's early years, the formative role that the University of Glasgow played in his life and career, and how his ideas still shape the world.

Biography of Adam Smith
A short biography of Adam Smith and key aspects of his life.

Smith at Glasgow
Adam Smith was a student, academic and administrator at the University of Glasgow.

Who was Adam Smith?
About Adam Smith and how he developed the interests, knowledge and skills to become the world's first social scientist.

Prejudices of the Imagination: What Adam Smith Added to the Enlightenment Project
Professor Samuel Fleischacker discussed how Adam Smith employs techniques to change his readers’ prejudicial image of poor people

Marking the tercentenary of Adam Smith
In this public lecture by Emeritus Professor Tony Aspromourgos at the University of Sydney's School of Economics, he looks at how to recover the genuine voice and thought of the historical Adam Smith.

Exploring Adam Smith's ideas and legacy
Podcast discussion with independent scholar Keith Tribe, who spoke at Balliol College, University of Oxford, about the intellectual context in which Adam Smith was working and the dissemination of his ideas.

Adam Smith's case against the British Empire
In this lecture Dr William Coleman, from the Australian National University, critiqued Smith’s theoretical case that the British Empire was impoverishing of Great Britain.

Adam Smith: War and the Laws of Nations
Ryan Hanley, Professor of Political Science at Boston College, discussed ‘Adam Smith: War and the Laws of Nations’ at the University of Tokyo’s Library of Economics Templeton Lecture.

Adam Smith and Robert Burns
Mon, 06 Mar 2023 23:39:00 GMT
Adam Smith's influence on literature and literary criticism.