Adam Smith had a lasting impact on the way we think about the economy, politics and society.
And his ideas still offer approaches for tackling 21st century problems.

Impact of Adam Smith
Smith's work had a lasting impact on the way we think about the economy, politics and society. And it still has relevance today.

Can Adam Smith Fix Our Economy?
With a slew of difficult economic issues, the 21st century may be looking a lot like the 18th. In the final episode of a podcast series, Freakonomics Radio turns to "the father of economics" for solutions.

Government's Role in Today’s Economy: What Would Adam Smith Say?
Professor Cecilia Rouse challenged common perceptions around Adam Smith’s ideas on the government’s role in the economy in this third and final Hunter Foundation Lecture at the British Embassy in Washington DC, USA.

Adam Smith's ethics: Psychological foundations in sympathy and normative aspirations to impartiality
Professor Christel Fricke, of the University of Oslo, Norway, discussed Smith's sympathetic process and how it provides a framework for developing modern codes of ethics and morality.

Adam Smith's 'Coarse Clay' Political Realism
In this public lecture Professor Ryan Griffiths and the Research Group on Constitutional Studies at McGill University in Canada discussed how we can learn from Smith's work today.

Smith and immigration
Professor Chandran Kukathas, Dean and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Political Science at the School of Social Sciences at Singapore Management University, discussed the division of labour, the extent of the market and moral development.

The power and perils of the "artificial hand"
Gita Gopinath, First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, spoke on considering artificial intelligence through the ideas of Adam Smith.

Economic failure or failure of economics?
Professor Sir Angus Deaton, who won the Nobel prize in Economic Science in 2015, spoke on 'Economic failure or failure of economics?' for his Adam Smith 300 Hunter Foundation lecture.

Are Adam Smith and his ideas misunderstood?
Professor Sam Peltzman, from Chicago Booth University in Boston, reflected on common public misunderstandings of Adam Smith's thinking.

Why Adam Smith Still Matters
This symposium at the University of Kent discusses the impact Smith still has on the world today and why we should continue to talk and learn from Smith.

Innovation and Sustainable Growth
In this event an expert panel at the University of the West Indies considered drawing lessons from Adam Smith's work on innovation and investment to support sustainable growth.

The theoretical legacy of Adam Smith: University of Mexico
Seminar at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méxic (UNAM) highlighting the usefulness and importance of m Smith ideas for explaining current economic and social problems.

Adam Smith and Cultural Memory
Mon, 06 Mar 2023 23:39:00 GMT
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Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:53:00 BST