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Online Discussion Schedule

A series of online discussions will take place as part of this reading group. 

These have been scheduled as follows:


Date (2024)



1 Tuesday 5th March Introduction and Part 1 Section 1 pp. 9-26 (14 pages) In Session 1 we discuss Smith’s introduction to his theory and the key ideas of sympathy and imagination.
2 Tuesday 19th March Part 1 Section 2-3 pp. 27-66 (30 pages) In Session 2 we explore Smith’s account of the moral sentiments, the idea of mutual sympathy, and the generation of idea of propriety
3 Tuesday 2nd April Part 2 Sections 1-3 pp. 67-108 (30 pages) In Session 3 we move on to discuss Smith’s theory of how we come to judge other people and develop beliefs about reward and punishment.
4 Tuesday 16th April Part 3 Sections 1-6 pp. 109-178 (70 pages) In Session 4 we explore the heart of Smith’s theory. The idea of the impartial spectator and the development of conscience, and how they allow us to judge our own behaviour.
5 Tuesday 30th April Part 4 and Part 5 pp. 179-211 (20 pages) In Session 5 we cover two short Parts where Smith explains the role of utility in his theory and the relationship of his theory of morality to the ideas of custom and fashion.
6 Tuesday 14th May Part 6 Sections 1-3 pp. 212-264 (50 pages) In Session 6 we explore Smith’s account of virtue and the character traits that make us good people.
7 Tuesday 28th May Part 7 Sections 1-4 pp. 265-342 (77 pages) In Session 7 we examine the final Part of TMS where Smith criticises the theories of other philosophers.

Each session will be held via Zoom conference call. 

You will receive joining instructions one week before each session.  These will be sent to your registered email address.

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