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Abu Dhabi University

The last in our series of Smith Around the World Lecture Series took place in Dubai in partnership with Abu Dhabi University. The event was an engaging and informative panel discussion on the life and work of our former student, professor and rector, and the founding father of modern economics, Adam Smith. 

Professor Barry O'Mahony hosted the event and the panel included Professor Abbas Valadkhani from Swinburne University Melbourne; Dr Umar Bassi Manager at ADNOC Group, Dr Anthony Devine from Adam Smith Business School;  Carlin Naidoo, Group Director of Sustainability at DP World, Mr Jonathan Evans Legal Counsel Masdar, and Eman Salama, United Arab Emirates University.

Panel members discussed whether Adam Smith’s work is still relevant in an era where economies are seeking to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

The learning of the evening was summarised by Dr Sarah Al Hashimi who concluded that Adam Smith’s economic theories continue to be influential today and, although not overly stated in his works, his first book The Theory of Moral Sentiments noted that the moral principles that underpin society, among other insights, are drivers of the type of behaviour required to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Two Speakers at the Abu Dhabi University event Source: Amy Laux


Two Speakers at the Abu Dhabi University event Source: Amy Laux

Audience picture at the Abu Dhabi University event Source: Amy Laux


Panel and speaker at the Abu Dhabi University event Source: Amy Laux


Panel and speaker at the Abu Dhabi University event with back of the audiences heads Source: Amy Laux


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