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Indian Institute of Management Indore - January 2023

The inaugural event of the Adam Smith Around the World lecture series was held at the Indian Institute of Management Indore in January 2023.

Speakers at the Indian Institute of Management Indore together with promotional banners inckuding one saying 'Adam Smith 300 Anniversary'

The contributors included:

  • Dr Anantha Nageswaran, Chief Economic Adviser to Government of India
  • Professor Subhasankar Chattopadhyay, IIM Indore
  • Professor Alex Thomas, Azim Premji University
  • Dr Xiang Li, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
  • Professor John Finch, Head of the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

IIM Indore Director, Professor Himanshu Rai, gave the opening address. He indicated that IIM Indore had identified five areas of its contribution to Nation Building in 2019, and had determined to resolve the challenges in these areas, saying:

"We aim to create, curate, practice, and disseminate knowledge that solves real-world problems. These include income inequality, rural issues, urban management problems, environmental and sustainability challenges, and need for fostering entrepreneurship culture."

The event was chaired by Professor Pritam Ranjan.

More details about the topics covered by all the speakers are on the IIM Indore website.

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