About Avenue

Avenue is our magazine for alumni and friends of the University of Glasgow.

Editorial Board

Edith Ault, Jennifer Baird, Kate Carlin, Siobhán Convery, Emily Howie, Susan Howie, Michaella Mitchell, Tom Rice, Carina Scott, Fran Shepherd, Laura Tyler, Richard Warburton

Avenue team

Editor: Jennifer Baird
Executive editor: Susan Howie
Travel editor and quiz compiler: Carina Scott
Designer: Darren Jewell-Irons
Artworkers: Hedvânio Bezerra and Peter Howard

Produced by the Marketing & Communications team on behalf of the Development & Alumni Office.

Features are written by University of Glasgow writers, unless otherwise specified.

Images are provided by the University of Glasgow Photographic Unit unless otherwise specified.

Views expressed are not necessarily those of the University or the editors. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without written permission from the editor: avenue@glasgow.ac.uk