‌‌China Shorts

Date: All Mondays from 1 Oct until 12 Nov 2018
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Venue: Room 208, McIntyre Building, University of Glasgow (next to the main gate)

This series of 20-minute bilingual talks will allow listeners to engage with a range of topics using both English and Chinese.

Each speaker will give a single presentation in both languages, regularly switching between English and Chinese. No information will be repeated or translated. Instead, the audience will be required to listen to content in both languages to understand an entire presentation. The switching between languages will provide all with the opportunity to learn and to catch up, regardless of background or language ability.

These talks are designed to support and challenge language learners of all levels (and of either language). A list of specialized vocabulary will be provided on each occasion to aid listeners. Each presentation will be followed by time for discussion and questions regarding content, as well as an opportunity for clarification of content and vocabulary.

All welcome. Challenge yourself.

Monday 1 Oct
Exhibiting China 展览中国
Nathan Woolley, University of Glasgow

Monday 8 Oct
Traditional Chinese Medicine: The basic characteristics of a theoretical system 中医理论体系的基本特点
Yan Fei, University of Glasgow

Monday 15 Oct
The Whisky Industry in Scotland
Murray Campbell    

Monday 22 Oct
The story of Jazz in China since the 1920s
Wang Linfeng, University of Glasgow

Monday 29 Oct
Scotland’s Content Production Landscape and Internationalisation
Iseabail Mactaggart, MG ALBA

Monday 5 Nov
The significance of multilingualism in middle and late imperial China 元明清时期多语制的意义
Johannes Lotze, University of Birmingham

Monday 12 Nov
Who will pay for the Belt and Road Initiative? 谁将为一带一路埋单?
Zhang Ketong, University of Glasgow

First published: 18 September 2018