A new study has found that many UK homes are overheating, even on mild days. The study, which was conducted by the University of Glasgow and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, found that every single home monitored exceeded the World Health Organization's recommended indoor temperature of 25°C on at least one occasion.

The study also found that many homes were hotter at night than they were outside, and that some homes were as much as 10°C hotter inside than outside. This was particularly the case in homes with poor ventilation and those that were located in areas with little shade.

The researchers say that the findings of the study are a "wake-up call" for the UK government, which needs to do more to address the issue of overheating homes. They also say that homeowners should take steps to improve the ventilation and shading of their homes.

Read the full report on the University of Glasgow's news webpage.

First published: 8 December 2023