International Experience Fund (IEF)

The first round of the 2024/25 International Experience is now open (closing 13 November)

Developing and strengthening important international relationships is one of the key priorities of the Global Glasgow: International Strategy 2025.

The University is committed to everyone benefiting from being part of an international community. To support this, the International Experience Fund (IEF) will offer up to £1,000 to staff members who wish to undertake an international experience that will contribute to the achievement of Global Glasgow 2025 objectives.

Any member of staff (MPA or academic) at the University of Glasgow can apply for an IEF award to undertake an international experience that will contribute to institutional strategic objectives and, in doing so, enhance their personal and professional development.  

Planned IEF activities should have the support of their line manager and allow applicants the chance to learn and develop according to any requirements identified during the PDR process, this could include language learning, cultural intelligence, communication skills, benchmarking/exchange of best practice, work shadowing etc. Proposals should also clearly evidence tangible business outcomes linked to institutional strategic KPIs. 


International travel offers the opportunity to share expertise and learn about different cultures. The objectives of the IEF are to:

  1. support staff development by providing personal and career development opportunities for staff;
  2. advance the university’s Global Glasgow 2025 International Strategy;
  3. promote sustainable relationships with partner universities;
  4. benchmark against international best practices and to identify, promote and embed improvements to our operations;
  5. support staff to act as global ambassadors for the university.

Please note that the fund is not designed to be used as an alternative source of funding for direct research activity, nor should it be used for international academic conferences.

More detailed information on the criteria for assessment are below.

Criteria and guidelines

All applications should demonstrate how the proposed activity fits the following:

International strategy criteria

All applications will be assessed for their ability to deliver against Global Glasgow 2025’s objectives and priorities.

Applications which involve fellow members of Glasgow’s international networks (including the Guild, Universitas 21, the CIVIS alliance or ARUA) and existing partners will be looked upon more favourably by the panel than other applications: our international partners.

Link to the Performance Development Review (PDR)

Planned IEF activities should allow applicants the chance to learn and develop according to any requirements identified during the PDR process. As well as tangible business outcomes linked to the Global Glasgow 2025 strategy, this could include: language learning, cultural intelligence, communication skills, benchmarking/exchange of best practice, work shadowing.

Managers are encouraged to support proposals where the applicant will truly benefit from having an international experience and where there are direct opportunities to further the University’s International strategy.

Planning the visit

  • Proposed visits should be of a short-term nature. It cannot be used to supplement an existing placement. If the travel is already agreed/planned and will take place anyway (and supported by other budgets), applicants must outline why the IEF is necessary and how it will be used – what is the added value?
  • Applicants must make contact with their host institution prior to application to establish whether a visit is possible and to identify dates and duration of the visit.
  • The International Affairs team or the relevant Dean for Global Engagement can support introductions to a partner institution if you do not already have a contact. 
  • If successful, it is the responsibility of all successful applicants to make and manage all their own travel arrangements, including visa applications.
  • The maximum award from the IEF will be £1000.
  • The IEF will support economy class flights only.
  • No group applications will be accepted. For any trips with more than one traveller, each applicant must submit an individual application and outline the specific ways in which the trip will contribute to their own personal and professional development


The maximum award from the IEF is £1,000 and applications must be supported by realistic budget proposals. If the overall trip costs over £1,000, IEF applications must include proof of the commitment of any required additional funding.

What can I include on my application?

Eligible expenses include:

  • Travel costs (economy class only), including visas, if required
  • Accommodation and
  • Subsistence/living expenses.

It is the responsibility of all successful applicants to make and manage all their own travel arrangements, including visa applications. The funding is in-year funding, therefore it must be spent before 31 July. Applicants should refer to the University's sustainable travel guidance, and all bookings must be made via the University travel agency, Selective.

Please follow the latest University travel advice and be sure to arrange insurance. You should fill in the  free University of Glasgow Travel Insurance form online.  Further details on the University’s travel insurance can be found here. Foreign travel advice is found here GOV.UK.

Eligibility and applicant responsibilities


  • All staff in both academic and professional services roles are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must have at least 6 months’ service at the University.
  • All applicants must have the support of their line manager.

Responsibilities of the applicant

All applicants should agree the following with their line manager prior to application:

  • Working arrangements during the period of travel and any cover required
  • A plan for the transfer of knowledge of the key learning outcomes on return to UofG.
  • A health, safety and risk assessment for travel to the host country must be completed by the applicant(s) prior to submitting the application. This is the responsibility of the applicant(s) and should be undertaken in consultation with the relevant line manager as an informed process.

All applicants must arrange their own travel, including travel insurance and visa applications. Relevant documentation should be retained locally.

  • Bookings must be made via the University travel agency.
  • All applicants should refer to the University's sustainable travel guidance.

University travel policy and guidance:

Application process and timeframes

Applications are now open. Please complete the online application form below, note as part of the online form you will be required to upload confirmation of your line manager’s approval.

Apply now - IEF application form

2024/2025 IEF round one:

  • Applications open on Wednesday, 9 October 2024
  • Closing date for applications: Wednesday, 13 November 2024

2024/2025 IEF round two:

  • Applications open on 28 March 2025 (TBC)
  • Closing date for applications 5 May 2025 (TBC)

All applicants should complete the online application form: Any questions please email

Application decisions and reporting

Application decisions

Note there are a limited amount of awards in each round. The panel will assess each application against the IEF criteria. Applications are considered by a panel consisting of:

  • A member of People and Organisational Development Team
  • A member of the Recruitment and International Relations team
  • Assistant Vice-Principal International OR the relevant Dean for Global Engagement.

The University of Glasgow is committed to promoting equality of opportunity in all its activities and aims to provide a work, learning, research and teaching environment free from discrimination and unfair treatment. Procedures for the consideration of applications are intended to be fair, transparent and consistent with the University's Equal Opportunities Policies.

Successful applications

Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application, where possible within two or three weeks of the deadline. It may also take up to 4 weeks for funds to be transferred to the relevant school/service.

The Panel is committed to evaluating the impact of successful applications. Successful applicants will be emailed with a link to an online progress report form to be completed within 30 days of returning from their visit.

The following resource is designed to help applicants when planning their visit.