Research Units A-Z
Research Units A-Z
- Accounting, Research Cluster
- Adam Smith Observatory of Corporate Reporting Practices
- Addressing Inequalities, Research Area
- Algebra, Research Group
- American Studies, Andrew Hook Centre for
- Animal-Computer Interaction
- Anti-VeC: Application of Novel Transgenic technology & Inherited symbionts to Vector Control
- Applied Economics, Research Cluster
- Archaeology, Research
- Arrhythmias
- ArtsLab Glasgow
- Astronomy and Astrophysics, Research Group
- Autonomous Systems & Connectivity, Research Division
- Away from the Water
- Battlefield Archaeology, Centre for
- Beatson Institute for Cancer Research
- Behaviour, Structure and Interventions, Research network
- Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies
- Biomarkers
- Biomedical Engineering, Research Division
- Biostatistics and Statistical Genetics, Research Group
- Boyd Orr Centre for Population and Ecosystem Health, The
- Brain Injury Research Group, Glasgow
- Business History in Scotland, Centre for
- Cagan Laboratory, Research Group
- Cancer Centre , Scotland
- Cardiac Diseases
- Cardiac Physiology & Biophysics
- Cardiac Remodelling
- Cardio-Oncology
- Cardiovascular Data Science
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology
- CEDI (see Centre for Educational Development And Innovation (CEDI) )
- Cellular Microenvironment, Centre for
- Cellular Signalling & Mechanisms
- Celtic and Gaelic, Research
- CENSIS (see Innovation Centre for Sensor and Imaging Systems )
- Centre for Advanced Electronics, Glasgow
- Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Centre for
- Centre for Cultural Policy Research
- Centre for Medical and Industrial Ultrasonics, Medical and Industrial Ultrasonics (C-MIU)
- Centre for Research & Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning
- Chemical Photonics, Research Group
- Child Health, Research Area
- Childhood Leukaemia Research, Halsey Lab
- China Research, Scottish Centre for
- Classics, Research
- Coding & Analysis
- COGITO Centre for Epistemology
- Cognitive Impairment & Dementia
- Communications, Sensing and Imaging (CSI)
- Community Oral Health, Research Group
- Complex chemical systems, Cronin Group
- Computing Science Education, Centre for
- Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research, Kelvin , Centre for
- Continuum Mechanics, Research Group
- Cordero Laboratory, Research Group
- Corporate & Financial Law, Research Group
- CRADALL, (Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning)
- CREATe, (Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy)
- Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR), Scottish Centre for
- cSCAN, (Centre for Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience)
- Cultural & Creative Economies, Research Area
- Cultural Policy Research (CCPR), Centre for
- Data Science & AI, Centre for
- DEMED (Democracy under Threat: How Education can Save it)
- Device Modelling Group
- Diabetes & Endocrinology
- Disability Research, Centre for
- Disadvantage and Participation Accountability Processes
- DiveIn, EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training
- Earth Systems, Research Group
- Ecology & Environmental Change, Research Theme
- Education Interdisciplinary Research Group
- Educational Development And Innovation (CEDI), Centre for
- Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering, Research Division
- Embedded, Networked, and Distributed Systems, Research Group
- Employability in programme development
- End of Life Studies Group, Glasgow
- Energy Conversion and Storage, Research Group
- Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and Medicine, lifETIME (doctoral training)
- Entrepreneurship, Development & Political Economy, Research Cluster
- Environmental Science and Sustainability, Research Group
- Environmental Statistics, Research Group
- Evolution & Diversity, Research Theme
- Fantasy and the Fantastic , Centre for
- Finance, Research Cluster
- Flight Sciences, Research Group
- Forensic Medicine & Science
- Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms, Research Section
- Future Life, Research Area
- Future Ultrasonic Engineering, FuSE (doctoral training)
- Gender History, Centre for
- General Practice & Primary Care, Research group
- Geometry and Topology, Research Group
- Geomicrobiology Lab
- Glasgow Ageing Research Network
- Glasgow Centre for International Law and Security
- Glasgow Centre for Population Health
- Glasgow Computational Engineering Centre (GCEC)
- Glasgow Drosophila Group, Network
- Glasgow Systems (GLASS), Research Section
- Glasgow Tissue Research Facility (GTRF)
- Glasgow University Media Group
- Glasgow University Microbiome Initiative (GUMI)
- Glasgow-Caribbean Centre for Development Research, (GCCDR)
- GlaZgo Discovery Centre
- Global History
- Global Remunicipalisation
- Global Security Network, Glasgow
- Global Soil Health Programme
- GRAMNet, (Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network)
- Gravitational Research, Institute for
- Gulls Eye Project, The
- Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment (HEHTA)
- Healthcare Data
- Heart Failure
- Historical Thesaurus of English (HTE)
- History, Research
- Human Computer Interaction, Research Group
- Human Geography, Research Group
- Human Nutrition
- Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour, Research Cluster
- Human Rights Network, Glasgow
- Hypertension
- Imaging Concepts, Research Group
- Imaging Data
- Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease Biobanks - UK
- Immunobiology, Centre for
- INCISE (INtegrated TeChnologies for Improved Polyp SurveillancE)
- Infectious Disease Ecology, Research Theme
- Inference, Dynamics and Interaction, Research Group
- Information Studies, Research
- Information, Data & Analysis, Research Section
- Infrastructure and Environment, Research Division
- Integrable Systems and Mathematical Physics, Research Group
- Integrative Parasitology, Wellcome Centre for
- Intelligent Sensing and Measurement, EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in
- International Business and Enterprise, Research Cluster
- International Development, Glasgow Centre for
- International Law and Security, Glasgow Centre for
- Ischaemic Heart Disease
- James Watt Nanofabrication Centre
- John Smith Centre
- Just Cities and Societies, Research & Scholarship Cluster
- Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre
- Kidney Disease
- Law, Research Themes
- Law and Philosophy Network
- Law Reform & Public Policy, Research Group
- Leukaemia and Autophagy Therapeutics, Helgason Laboratory
- LIFE:TIME - LIFEstyle:Trials Implementation Mechanisms Epidemiology Evaluation
- Lifestyle / Sports & Exercise
- lifETIME (doctoral training) (see Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and Medicine )
- Living with SAD
- Machine Learning
- Macroeconomics, Research Cluster
- Marketing, Research Cluster
- Materials and Condensed Matter Physics, Research Group
- Mathematical Analysis, Research Group
- Mathematical Biology, Research Group
- Mathematics Applied to the Life Sciences (CMALS), Centre for
- Medical Genetics
- Medical Humanities, Centre for
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Metabolic Diseases
- Microeconomics, Research Cluster
- MOBSANCT, The international politics of mobility sanctions
- Modernist Studies, Scottish Network for
- Multicorder
- Music, Research
- Nano and Quantum World, Research Area
- National Centre for Resilience
- Network on Intelligence and Security Practices in Africa
- Nuclear Physics, Research Group
- Obesity
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- One Health, Research Area
- Optics, Research Group
- Oral Sciences, Research Group
- Particle Physics Experimental, Research Group
- Particle Physics Theory, Research Group
- Perceptual Experience, Centre for the Study of
- Pharmacotherapy
- Philosophy, Research
- Physiology, Ageing & Welfare, Research Theme
- Place and the Built Environment, Research & Scholarship Cluster
- Polyomics, Glasgow
- Poverty Research Network
- Precarious Work and Future Careers
- Precision Medicine & Chronic Diseases, Research Area
- Precision Medicine Scotland – Innovation Centre
- Pregnancy
- Public Health, Research
- Public Policy , Centre for
- Quantum (see The Nano and Quantum World, Research Area )
- Quantum Circuits Laboratory, The
- Quantum Enabled Precision, Navigation & Timing [QEPNT] , UK Hub for
- Quantum Technology, Centre for
- Quantum Theory, Research Group
- Racism, Ethnicity and Nationalism, Centre for Research on
- Racism, Nationalism and Migration
- RadNet
- REACT, Responsible Electronics and Circular Technologies Centre
- Religious Cultures Network, Scottish
- Resilience (see National Centre for Resilience )
- Robert Burns Studies, Centre for
- Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change
- Robertson Centre for Biostatistics
- Russian Central and East European Studies (CRCEES), Centre for
- SCENE, (Scottish Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment)
- Scottish and Celtic Studies, Centre for
- Scottish Centre for Innovation in Spinal Cord Injury
- Scottish Digital Tourist
- Sensor and Imaging Systems, Innovation Centre for (CENSIS)
- Slavery Studies (see Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies )
- Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, MRC/CSO
- Social and Digital Change, Research Group
- Socialist Theory and Movements Research Network
- Socio-Environmental Action, Research & Scholarship Cluster
- Software Engineering and Safety, Research Group
- Space Glasgow, Network
- Statistics, Research
- Stirling Maxwell Centre, for the Study of Text/Image Cultures
- Strategy & Technology Management, Research Cluster
- Stroke
- SUERC, (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre )
- Sustainable Energy, Glasgow Centre for
- Sustainable Solutions, Centre for
- Sustainable, Healthy & Learning Cities & Neighbourhoods , Centre for
- Synthetic Biology and Industrial Biotech
- Systems, Power and Energy, Research division
- Tourism Studies Group
- Translational Cancer Pathology, Edwards Lab
- Translational Cancer Research
- Translational Neuroinflammation Group
- UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence
- Ultrasurge (Surgery Enabled by Ultrasonics)
- UNESCO Chair on Refugee Integration through Education, Language and the Arts
- Urban Big Data Centre
- Vascular Diseases & Comorbidities
- Vascular Science and Medicine, BHF Centre of Excellence in
- Vascular Structure & Function
- Virology, Centre for
- War Studies and Conflict Archaeology, Scottish Centre for
- Wellcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology
- WolBloc: sustainable dengue control
More A-Z listings
Research by college
- Arts Lab
- Critical Studies, School of
- Culture & Creative Arts, School of
- Humanities, School of
- Modern Languages & Cultures, School of
- Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine, School of
- Cancer Sciences, School of
- Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health, School of
- Health & Wellbeing, School of
- Infection & Immunity, School of
- Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, School of
- Molecular Biosciences, School of
- Psychology and Neuroscience, School of
- Chemistry, School of
- Computing Science, School of
- Engineering, School of
- Geographical & Earth Sciences, School of
- Mathematics & Statistics, School of
- Physics & Astronomy, School of
- Adam Smith Business School
- Education, School of
- Interdisciplinary Studies, School of
- Law, School of
- Social & Political Sciences, School of
- Health & Wellbeing, School of