It was a great honour and a pleasure our practice relevant report to have been presented at ACCA’s Accounting for the Future 2020 online conference on 3 December.

Professor Tsalavoutas presented the preliminary findings of the forthcoming report titled The Capitalisation of Intangibles Debate: Accounting for Exploration and Evaluation Expenditure in Extractive Activities in the session “IFRS in focus” and Dr Baboukardos presented the preliminary findings of the forthcoming report titled Climate Change Risk-related Disclosures in Extractive Industries in the session “Reporting climate-related impacts”. The first presentation attracted some 8,800 attendees and the second some 6,600 attendees from across the world!

Find out more: 

ACCA’s Accounting for the Future 2020

Futher information: 

First published: 5 December 2020

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