DATE: 23rd November 2020
TIME: 13:00-14:00
LOCATION: Quintin’s Zoom Room

This week’s Computing Education Research Handbook reading consists of the first two chapters - the history of CS Ed research and computing education research today.  For any of us in CS Ed research, these provide an interesting and perhaps challenging framing for our work, and so, as you read these chapters, consider where you ‘sit’ in the context they outline.  Hence, this session is not so much about a critique of the chapters themselves as it is to see how your understanding of CS Ed research meshes with what is portrayed here.

The authors, Mark Guzdial, Ben Du Boulay, Sally Fincher, Josh Teneberg, Brian Dorn, Chris Hundhausen, Robert McCartney and Laurie Murphy are all either past or present leaders of the field.  As journal editors or conference steering committee members, they have largely defined the field over the years according to the papers they have accepted and published - and so what they write has to be understood as one authentic representation of the field.

Possible questions to be considering are:

  • Do these chapters conflict with your understanding of the field - if so, how?
  • What are the most important realisations for you about your work, and/or about the field?
  • Does this have any influence on your own work - equally applicable to PhD student or staff member?

First published: 23 November 2020