TITLE: What makes a discipline-specific education PhD?
SPEAKER: Quintin Cutts & Maria Kallia
DATE: 31st October 2022
TIME: 13:00-14:00
Whilst this may seem like a topic only suitable for our PhD students, it is probably important for all of us in CCSE to consider.  Most obviously for a PhD supervisor - but also to any of us considering CS education research - or scholarship.  The term “scholarship”, much used in this university, is after all a form of research - although we may possibly not use the standard methods, routes to dissemination and so on.  So - all of our activities, pretty much, centre around the triple of the discipline, education, and research.  Are there boundaries?  When is and when isn’t some education research discipline-specific?  Come along on Monday ready to contribute your thoughts, approaches, and/or experiences to this topic.

First published: 24 October 2022