Upcoming Seminars
Upcoming Seminars
Homogenised equations for remodelling adhesive systems: the case of focal adhesions
Dr Salvatore Di Stefano (University of Bari, Italy)
Date: Wednesday, 19th March 2025
Time: 14:00-15:00
Venue: TBA
In this talk, I will present a purely mechanical setting to address force- and stress-type stimuli acting on focal adhesions [1]. In particular, we study how these actions may contribute to the structural evolution, or remodelling, of focal adhesions and how possible heterogeneities present at the micro-scale, i.e., at the scale characterising the internal structure of each component of focal adhesions, may influence their behaviour [2, 3]. We conceptualise the focal adhesion structure in terms of a three-layer system, accounting for three main components: the adhesion plaque, the integrins and the ECM [1, 3]. Building upon previous works [1, 2, 3], we employ a mono-dimensional continuum shear lag model [2, 3], so that, both the adhesion plaque and the ECM are represented by linear elastic straight fibres subjected to axial deformation only, while the family of integrins account for elastic and non-elastic forces. Furthermore, we enhance the description of focal adhesions' dynamics by considering remodelling and micro-scale inhomogeneities. To achieve this, we follow and adapt some tools of non-linear elastoplasticity [3], and we adhere to techniques of Asymptotic Homogenisation [4] to elucidate how focal adhesions' micro-structure influences their overall behaviour.
[1] Cao X., et al., “A chemomechanical model of matrix and nuclear rigidity regulation of focal adhesion size,” Biophys. J., 109.9, 1807-1817 (2015).
[2] Di Stefano S., et al., “On the role of elasticity in focal adhesion stability within the passive regime,” Int J Non Linear Mech, 146, 104157 (2022).
[3] Di Stefano S., et al., “On the role of friction and remodelling in cell–matrix interactions: a continuum mechanical model,” Int J Non Linear Mech, 142, 103966 (2022).
[4] Ramirez-Torres A., et al., “An asymptotic homogenization approach to the microstructural evolution of heterogeneous media,” Int J Non Linear Mech, 106, 245-257 (2018).