The Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience (CSPE) at the University of Glasgow is thrilled to present the ‘Perceptual Illusion Cafè'! Researchers from the centre be holding an online, interactive presentation to showcase ongoing research into perceptual illusions. Topics will draw from the project’s Illusions Index. Following the presentation experts Prof. Fiona Macpherson (University of Glasgow, Director of CSPE) and Dr. Derek H. Brown (University of Glasgow, Deputy Director of CSPE) will be on hand to share their research, answer questions and encourage discussion.

The waiting room will be open beforehand, and participants must join prior to the start of presentation – so come early! In the meantime, try the new ‘Master of Illusion’ quiz.

This event is suitable for anyone over age 10.

Please note: the event will be focusing on visual illusions. Unfortunately, persons with visual impairments typically cannot undergo these illusions, and experiencing the illusions for yourself is critical to this event. The organisers regret not being able to accommodate this impairment.

Further details of Explorathon will be announced here shortly.

First published: 15 October 2020

<< 2020