We are delighted to share the fantastic news that Heather Annan, PhD student at the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience, has been awarded a prestigious Kennedy Memorial Scholarship to attend MIT as a Visiting Fellow for one year, 2023 - 2024.  The scholarship pays for the fees, living expenses, travel to Boston, medical insurance, and provides money for travel around the USA during the summer.  Heather will be working with Professor Alex Byrne, among others.

Astonishingly, Heather was in fact also offered a similar Frank Knox Fellowship for study for a year at Harvard, but declined this in favour of the Kennedy Scholarship.

in addition, Heather has also been awarded a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Summer Programme Scholarship which is enabling Heather to spend several months this summer conducting research at the University of Tokyo.  There she is working with Professor John O'Dea and Dr Akiko Frishhut.

Heather’s PhD in Philosophy and Psychology is on the topic of perception in autism.  She is supervised by Professor Fiona Macpherson in Philosophy and Dr David Simmons in Psychology.

First published: 17 July 2023