You are warmly invited to the Centre for Gender History's Annual Welcome Event at 2-4pm on Friday 29 September at the Hunterian Art Gallery. All staff and postgraduate students at the University of Glasgow are invited, and in particular we extend a warm welcome to our new students on the MSc Gender History, the ODL MSc Global Gender History and our new PhD students.

The event will begin with a series of short talks in the lecture theatre by Centre members on their innovative and wide-ranging research (2-3), before a gallery tour with curator Lola Sanchez-Jauregui, and drinks and a chance to chat informally with staff and students (3-4). The first hour of the event will be accessible online: please email Tanya Cheadle ( for the zoom link.

We hope you can join us as we reconvene for a busy and exciting year of activities and events on gender history and the history of sexualities.

First published: 25 September 2023

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