Seminars take place on Zoom. The meeting link will be available on the Centre for Gender History Moodle. If you do not have access to the Moodle and would like to attend an event, please email

Semester 2

Monday 25 January 2021
Thajilah Olaiya, 'Remembering the Queens of the Former Danish West Indies'
Pelayo Fernandez, 'Matriarchs, wives and queen: crucial women for the 3rd marquis of Santa Cruz de Marcenado

Wednesday 24 February 2021
Dr Peggy Brunache, University of Glasgow
‘Culinary Resistance in the French Colonial Caribbean: A Historical and Archaeological Exploration of Foodways of the Enslaved’

Monday 22 March 2021
Dr Katharine Jenkins, University of Glasgow
Race and Gender Kinds: A Pluralist Account

Monday 14 June 2021
Professor Patricia Owens, University of Oxford
Women's International Thought

Semester 1

Monday 5 October 2020
WELCOME EVENT: CGH and MSc Gender History
Come along to find out more about the Centre and its work

Monday 19 October 2020
Prof. Laura Doan, University of Manchester
Bees and Birds - An Unnatural History of Modern Sexuality

Monday 16 November 2020
3.00-4.30pm, co-sponsored by CEES
Dr Chiara Bonfiglioli, University College Cork
Women and Industry in the Balkans: The Rise and Fall of the Yugoslav Textile Sector

Monday 14 December 2020
Dr Rebecca Mason, University of Glasgow
Persevering Women: Gender and Justice in Early Modern Scotland

First published: 5 October 2020

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