Refugee Festival Scotland takes place every year in the lead up to World Refugee Day, on 20 June. For the 2021 festival, GRAMNet hosted three events.

Covid and Recovery roundtable

Our Covid and Recovery roundtable brought together community groups, including Maryhill Integration Network, Govan Community Project, Safe in Scotland, and Empower Women for Change, with Steering Group members, Nicola Burns, Gareth Mulvey, and Teresa Piacentini, who have recently published findings from their project “Health and social impacts of Covid-19 in Scotland”. 

Refugee histories Scotland

Refugee histories Scotland’ in partnership with Maryhill Integration Network, Katherine Mackinnon discussed key moments, events, and places which help us to understand the history of refugees in modern Scotland.

Refugee histories Scotland

Global Refugee Histories: Camps and Care’: Benjamin Thomas White and Baher Ibrahim explored the global history of the refugee camp and the history of refugee mental health.

First published: 1 June 2021