Funded Research

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The MHRC encourages research in medical humanities across the University of Glasgow community (and beyond). For fuller information on these wider ranging activities, please consult the directories curated by the Glasgow Medical Humanities Network.

Following the launch of the MHRC in 2011, a major early funding success within the College of Arts was ‘The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh’ (AHRC Research Grant, PI: Dr David Shuttleton, £561,874). While text-based and archival medical humanities projects continue to be a major strength, funded projects have employed a range of historical, philosophical, literary, linguistic, curatorial, artistic and creative perspectives, with a number of major awards being granted to early career researchers.

Current and past externally funded medical humanities projects held or hosted specifically by the College of Arts include:


Dr Mila Daskalova, ‘The Literary Origins of Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry’, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship. £328,489.80


Dr Mila Daskalova. SGSAH AHRC DTP1 Postdoctoral Fellowships Scheme. 'The Nineteenth-Century Asylum Periodical: The Origins and Early Development of Periodical Publishing in Mental Institutions in Britain, America and Beyond’. £81,478. (Mentor: Dr Megan Coyer)


Dr Manon Mathias. Royal Society of Edinburgh Arts and Humanities Research Network Award. "The Scottish Gut Project". £15,510.


Zoe Slater. Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship. "Writing mental illness: narrative insurgency and experimental form in British and American women’s writing from 1965". £84,857. (PI/supervisor Dr Gavin Miller.)

Sarah Spence. Wellcome Trust Secondment Fellowship in Humanities and Social Science. "Scottish Public Health in the National Library of Scotland’s Moving Image Archives". £6,181.


Laura Donald. Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship in Medical Humanities. “Narrating chronic heart disease in contemporary British and American writing, 1980-present”. £81,189. (PI/Supervisor Dr Gavin Miller).

Dr Gavin Miller. Wellcome Trust Humanities and Social Science Small Grant. “Glasgow Medical Humanities Network”. £50,083.



Dr Sofia Xenofontos, 'The Physician of the Soul: Medicine and Practical Ethics in Galen'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities University Award, £240,353.

Dr Anna McFarlane, 'Products of Conception: Pregnancy and Science Fiction, 1968-2015'. British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, £253,978.

Dr Anna McFarlane and Dr Hannah Tweed, 'Lost Limbs and Posthuman Enhancement'. Being Human Festival 2017 Award, £360.

Dr Mark Gallagher, 'Ronald Sandison, LSD and the 'Beyond Within' Powick Hospital, 1952-64'. Wellcome Trust Research Bursary, £23,453.

Sarah Spence. ‘Representations of Stigmatised Health Issues in Scottish Fiction 1979-present’. Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship, £82,457. (PI/Supervisor Dr Gavin Miller.)

Dr Gavin Miller. 'Penguins on the Couch: Penguin publishing on psychoanalysis and psychotherapy c.1935-1990'. BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, £3,460.

Jennifer Carr. 'The Medical History of the Refugee Camp'. Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship in Medical Humanities, £83,593. (PI/Supervisor Dr Ben White.)


Dr Gavin Miller, 'Other Psychotherapies - across time, space, and cultures'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £5000.

Prof. Karen Lury (PI), Dr Amy Holdsworth (Co-I), and Dr Hannah Tweed (Co-I), 'Discourses of Care: Care in Media, Medicine and Society'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £5000.

Dr Anna McFarlane, 'Nursing, Reproduction and Writing: Naomi Mitchison's Science Fiction as Activism'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £1,534.

Dr Douglas Small, 'Cocaine and Cultural Mythology, c. 1860-1919'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Fellowship, £147,610.

Dr Hannah Tweed (PI) and Dr Susan Anderson (Co-I, Leeds Trinity), 'Disability and Shakespearean Theatre'. British Shakespeare Association Small Grant, £375.

Dr Carolyn Jess-Cooke, 'Creative Writing Interventions for Young People Recovering from mental Illness'. British Academy, £9,992.

Dr Frank Hopfgartner, 'Evaluating Personal Lifelogs'. European Science Foundation, £6,676.

Dr Jenn Novotny, 'They don't want your charity - they demand their chance: the socio-economic rehabilitation of WWI wounded at Erskine Hospitals'. Wellcome Trust, £14,474.

Dr Charlotte Methuen (PI) and Dr Jenn Novotny (Co-I), 'Erskine Centenary Community Partnership'. AHRC, £11,969.


Ms Lesley Richmond, 'Provision of books or pamphlets to Wellcome Trust for digitisation as part of UK-Medical Heritage Library (UK-HML) project'. Wellcome Trust, £15,040.

Dr Adrian Chapman (English Department, Florida State University (London); Visiting Fellow in SCS, University of Glasgow), '"All Our Words are Misleading": R. D. Laing, Language and Healing'. Wellcome Trust Research Resources Research Bursary, £21,752.

Dr Gavin Miller, "Science Fiction and the Medical Humanities". Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Seed Award, £39,614.

Dr Hannah Tweed (PI), Dr Diane Scott (Co-I), and Dr Johanna Green (Co-I), 'Dissecting the Page: Medical Paratexts Conference'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £1,535.

Dr Sarah Cockram, 'Human / Companion Animal Wellbeing Workshop'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £2,714.

Dr Sheila Kidd, 'The Gaelic language and Medical Provision in the 19th-Century Scottish Highlands'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £1,297.

Dr Megan Coyer (PI) and Dr Jennifer Smith (Co-I), 'Glasgow University Medical Humanities Network Website'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £6,615.

Dr Douglas Small, 'Masters of Healing: Cocaine and the Idealised Image of the Victorian Doctor'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £677.

Dr Justin Livingstone, 'The Fiction of Exploration'. The Royal Society of Edinburgh, £5,543.

Prof. Deirdre Heddon, 'Only Human? Being with Animals, Elements and Environments'. School of Advanced Study (SAS), £1750.


Dr Gavin Miller, 'David Stafford-Clark (1916-1999): Portrait of a Media Psychiatrist'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £2,208.

Dr Jac Saorsa (Independent Scholar; Visiting Fellow in SCS, University of Glasgow), 'Speaking the Unspeakable:  exploring the role of visual art in the expression and communication of obstetric and gynaecological health, from William Hunter’s The Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus, to the present'. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, £6,692.

Dr Gavin Miller, 'DSM-5 and the Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis: Perspectives from Medical Humanities'. Royal Society of Edinburgh Arts & Humanities Small Grants, £668.

Prof. Samuel Cohn, 'Epidemics: Waves of disease, waves of hate, from the Plague of Athens to AIDS'. Leverhulme Trust Fellowship, £135,330.

Prof. Stephen Burns, 'Neurofiction: the Mind of the Contemporary American Novel'. The Carneigie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £916.

Dr Benjamin White, 'Research in the UK for a Biography of the Bacquba Refugee Camp'. The Carneigie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £911.

Ms. Lesley Richmond, 'Digitisation of the Gartnavel Royal Hospital Archive (BH13) and the Crichton Royal Institute Archive'. Wellcome Trust, £359,064.


Megan Coyer (PI), Dr David Shuttleton (Co-I), Dr Gavin Miller (Co-I), and Dr Elizabeth Reeder (Co-I), "Attentive Writers". Wellcome Trust Medical History and Humanities Small Grant, £5,000.

Dr Gavin Miller, 'Psychiatry in the Book Market: Writing on Psychiatry and Mental Health for Penguin (1945-1985)'. Carnegie Trust Small Research Grant, £550.

Dr Gavin Miller and Dr Alette Willis, "Scottish Health Humanities Seminar and Masterclass Series". Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Workshop Award, £4,150.

Dr Justin Livingstone, 'Livingstone's "Travels": a Digital Edition'. The John R. Murray Charitable Trust, £8,000; David Livingstone 200, £2443; Marc Pitch Fund, £960.

Dr Andrea Hajek, 'Exploring the legacy of feminism in northern Italy: motherhood, family life, sexuality and employment (1967-2012)'. British Academy Fellowship, £232,284.

Dr David Bain (PI) and Prof. Michael Brady (Co-I), 'The Value of Suffering: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Nature, Meaning, and Role of Affective Experience'. The John Templeton Foundation, £362,371.

Ms. Elizabeth Lebas, 'Children's Welfare in Post-War Non-Fiction Cinema in Europe, Candad and France'. Leverhulme Trust, £7,341.


Dr Gavin Miller (PI). "Debating the First Principles of Transcultural Psychiatry". AHRC Exploratory Award under the Science in Culture Theme, £8,571.

Dr Megan Coyer, 'The Medical Blackwoodians and Medico-literary Synergy in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press'. Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship, £132,151.

Dr David Shuttleton, "The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh". AHRC Research Grant, £561,874.

Dr Geofrey Roger, 'Translation of a MS Glasgow Hunter 252 special collections manuscript'. Foundation pour la Protection du Patrimone Historique, £1,461. 

Prof. Lynn Abrams, 'Healing and Curing: Medieval to Modern'. Wellcome Trust, £4,950.

Dr Sabine Wieber, 'Eternal faces - death masks and portraiture in late nineteenth-century Vienna'. The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £1,280.

Dr Christine Ferguson, 'Race and Emancipation in the Higher Spheres: Seance Records from the Henry Louis Rey Spiritualist Circle, 1858-1890'. Royal Society of Edinburgh, £3,323.

Ms. Lesley Richmond, 'Cataloguing and preserving the papers of Thomas Ferguson Rodger, professor of Psychology Medicine, University of Glasgow, 1948-73'. Wellcome Trust, £9,475.

Prof. Michael Brady (PI) and Dr David Bain (Co-I), 'The Nature of Pain'. The John Templeton Foundation, £106,753.


Prof. Joanna Geyer-Kordesch, 'Patients' Narratives/Doctors' Cases'. Wellcome Trust, £14,470.

Dr Helen McCormack, 'Art, Medicine, Nature - Pursuing the imitation of nature in and beyond the Royal Academy of Arts'. Wellcome Trust, £4,961.

Prof. Samuel Cohn, 'Pandemics: Waves of disease, waves of hatered from the Plague of Athens to AIDS'. Wellcome Trust, £57,271.

Prof. Fiona MacPherson, 'Perceptual Memory and Perceptual Imagination Conference'. The Mind Association, £3000; Scots Philosphical Association, £2,000.

Prof. Fiona MacPherson, 'The Metaphysics of Mind Conference'. The Mind Association, £2,530; Aristotelian Society, £300.

Dr. Sheila Dickson, 'Research on Medical Case Histories in Eighteenth Century Germany'. The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £1,900.

Dr David Shuttleton and Dr Gavin Miller, "Medical Humanities Research Network Scotland".  Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Network Award, £9,623.