St Andrews First Aid - ‘Empowering Inverclyde Communities to Save Lives in Temperature Extremes’

St Andrews First Aid is set to empower residents in Inverclyde to emergencies resulting from extreme temperature events. Their primary goal is to increase the preparedness of Inverclyde communities through delivering specialised first aid training.

Extremes of heat and cold result in an increase in hospital visits. Through the provision of their first aid training, community members with learn key skills to recognise early symptoms and offer assistance before emergency services are needed. The initiative will particularly focus on areas with higher levels of deprivation offering free First Aid Courses to increase accessibility to the community.

 An aerial image of Inverclyde, featuring estates of red rooved houses on a green hill with the Firth of Clyde  in the back ground. Image shows Inverclyde from above with the Firth of Clyde in the background. 



Falkirk Council – ‘Emergency Response Hubs’

Falkirk Council are aiming to bridge the gaps between incidents and council deployment, promoting community resilience in those critical first 1-4 hours. They want to empower communities based on insights from a successful model of Community Emergency Hubs in New Zealand. Whilst engaging with Category 1 responders and other resilience groups throughout the development, this pilot project aims to provide a scalable model.

 Image features the centre of Falkirk Highstreet including a series of shops and a churchImage shows the centre of Falkirk



Loch Ken Trust – ‘Building Resilience Capacity in Remote Rural Communities’

The Loch Ken Trust is embarking on a project to build resilience in remote rural communities, whilst utilising the community-owned Loch Ken Ranger Service. The aim is to bridge the gap between communities and resilience professionals, fostering self-reliance in the face of a changing climate and associated natural hazards. The Loch Ken Trust aspires to create ‘Future Ready Communities that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Recent natural hazards in the area such as wildfires, flooding, and storms, have highlighted the need for increased community resilience. This project builds on the Climate Read Ken initiative, aiming to enhance community preparedness.

 Images shows Loch Ken flooded across green fields near the village of PartonImage shows Loch Ken in Dumfries & Galloway flooded across fields


Cove & Kilcreggan Community Council

Cove & Kilcreggan Community Council are developing a household and community emergency planning process. This initiative is rooted in the mission to ensure that every household can confidently 'cope positively for 72 hours' during emergencies, and it places a strong emphasis on fostering a 'Know your Neighbour' network.  Inspired by insights from the Scottish Government Resilient Communities webinar series in the spring of 2023, this project is about connecting and supporting communities. With an ultimate aim to bolster the community's capacity to respond effectively, especially during widespread emergencies.

 Image shows Kilcreggan Victorian Pier stretching out into the Firth of Clyde

Image shows Kilcreggan Victorian Pier stretching our into the Firth of Clyde


We have released our next call for projects for the financial year 24/25. Read about our new funding opportunities here. 

First published: 12 October 2023

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