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Monday 13 May 2024

12.30pm - 4.30pm

The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP (in person)

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Event information

Organised by the Centre for Public Policy (University of Glasgow) and the Scottish Political Archive (Stirling University) in partnership with Scotland’s Futures Forum, this event, chaired by Brian Taylor, journalist and a former political editor of BBC Scotland, will bring together past and current parliamentarians, alongside academic researchers, to reflect on the Parliament's role in public life and discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The Scottish Parliament, founded on principles of accountability, openness, power-sharing, and equal opportunities, has evolved amidst staggering technological advancements, climate concerns, and global crises like the recent pandemic alongside persistent challenges of poverty, inequality and pressure on public services. As we look to the future, we ponder questions such as:

  • Should the Parliament adapt its procedures, practices and representation to uphold its founding principles?
  • What difficult policy choices await parliamentarians in the years to come?

Supported by the UK in a Changing Europe project, '25 Years of Devolution: Exploring the Brexit Legacy,' led by Professor Nicola McEwen (University of Glasgow) and Dr. Coree Brown Swan (University of Stirling), this event promises engaging discussions and valuable perspectives into the future of Scottish governance.



12:30 – Attendees arrival

13:00 – Welcome from the Presiding Officer 

13:10 – Panel Discussion: 25 Years of Devolution, has the Parliament lived by its founding principles? 

The parliament was founded on principles of accountability, openness, power-sharing, and equal opportunities. Since its establishment it has had to adapt to multiple crises and vast technological, demographic and political change. This panel discussion will be chaired by the Presiding Officer and Brian Taylor and will ask key voices from the last 25 years whether the Scottish Parliament has lived by its founding principles.


  • Chair: Presiding Officer, Alison Johnstone MSP and Brian Taylor
  • Rt Hon Lord Steel, Presiding Officer 1999 to 2003
  • Rt Hon Ken Macintosh, Presiding Officer 2016 to 2021
  • Esther Roberton, Co-ordinator of the Scottish Constitutional Convention and a member of the Consultative Steering Group on the Scottish Parliament

14:00 – In conversation with Professor Nicola McEwen and Professor Anand Menon

The architects of the Scotland Act couldn’t have foreseen Brexit and the impact this would have on UK devolution. The Scottish Parliament today exists in a dramatically different UK, European and global context than when it was founded 25 years ago. We see new challenges to liberal democracy and governments everywhere, and new uncertainties in the global order. Brian Taylor will speak to Prof. Nicola McEwen and Prof. Anand Menon about the direction of travel for the UK, the impact of global developments on our politics and whether the Scottish Parliament is ready for what’s ahead.


  • Chair: Brian Taylor
  • Professor Nicola McEwen, Director of the Centre for Public Policy, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Anand Menon, Director of UK in a Changing Europe, King’s College London

14:30 – Comfort Break (tea and shortbread) 

15:00 – Lightnings Talks – Policy challenges and opportunities for the next generation.


  • Demographic and Fiscal Policy: Professor David Bell, Professor of Economics at the University of Stirling
  • Climate Policy: Professor Elizabeth Bomberg, Professor of Environmental Politics at the University of Edinburgh
  • AI and Public Policy: Dr Mark Wong, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy & Research Methods, University of Glasgow
  • Preventative Policy: Professor Kezia Dugdale, Associate Director of the Centre for Public Policy

15:30 – Panel Discussion: Are our institutions and politics robust enough to cope with the next 25 years of challenges and opportunities. 

The next generation of policymakers is going to be confronted with significant public policy challenges over the next 25 years. This panel of politicians will look ahead to the demographic, fiscal, technological and climate challenges and opportunities that will confront the Parliament to ask whether our institutions and politics are robust enough to cope and maximise the opportunities ahead.


  • Chair: Brian Taylor
  • Ben Macpherson MSP, SNP
  • Meghan Gallacher MSP, Scottish Conservatives
  • Mark Griffin MSP, Scottish Labour
  • Ross Greer MSP, Scottish Greens
  • Hannah Steel, Liberal Democrat Councillor, Scottish Borders  

16:20 – Closing remarks from the Presiding Officer

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a crucial conversation about Scotland's political landscape. We look forward to seeing you there.

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First published: 21 April 2024