A collage image featuring portrait photos of the ten members of the Advisory Board. Top row L-R: Sir John Elvidge, Professor Anand Menon, Lord Andrew Dunlop, Dr Audrey MacDougall, Joyce White OBE. Bottom row L-R: Ken Macintosh, Linda Hanna MBE, Liz Ditchburn, Theresa Shearer, Zainab Kizilbash Agha

We are delighted to formally introduce the inaugural Advisory Board for the Centre for Public Policy. Led by Sir John Elvidge, former Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government, the board benefits from expertise in policymaking across political parties, governments, disciplines and sectors. 

Sir John Elvidge said: “There is a pressing need for the Centre for Public Policy within Scotland and across the constituent parts of the UK. I am confident that it can become an internationally recognised source of public policy thinking and professional development for those who work in public service.” 

The Centre for Public Policy is a commitment from the University of Glasgow to play a part in working with the policy community - locally, nationally and internationally - to find solutions to the challenges they face. Our mission is to build collaboration between the research and policy community, by sharing evidence, nurturing skills, creating space for fresh thinking and preparing the next generation of policymakers. 

The Centre for Public Policy Advisory Board: 

  • Sir John Elvidge, Former Permanent Secretary, Scottish Government 
  • Professor Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs, Kings College London and Director of the UK in a Changing Europe 
  • Lord Dunlop, Former Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Scotland/Northern Ireland Office 
  • Dr Audrey MacDougall, Scottish Government Chief Social Researcher and Deputy Director of Central Analysis Division 
  • Joyce White OBE, Former Chief Executive of West Dunbartonshire Council and leadership development coach 
  • Rt Hon Ken Macintosh, Parliamentary and Political Consultant, former Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament 
  • Linda Hanna MBE, Former Scottish Enterprise Managing Director of Innovation and Investment 
  • Liz Ditchburn, Former Scottish Government and UK Government (DfID) senior civil servant 
  • Theresa Shearer, Chief Executive of Enable 
  • Zainab Kizilbash Agha, Director in the UK Government 

A key focus at the Centre is supporting the policy process, which parliamentarians and civil servants are central to. Our work is already being supported by colleagues from across the political spectrum and different levels of government. We are grateful to Lord Dunlop, Ken Macintosh and Joyce White for their commitment to the Centre, their experience will help shape our understanding of multi-level governance from a Westminster, Scottish Parliament and local government perspective.

Alongside guidance from Dr Audrey MacDougall, Liz Ditchburn and Zainab Kizilbash Agha, insights from the board will be welcome, especially as our executive education offering develops and our work with policy practitioners. 

On building people-centred policy, Theresa Shearer’s leadership in the third sector and in the development of human rights-driven public services will be essential to the work of the Advisory Board.

Another of our key focuses at the Centre is effective public administration, with collaboration across a wide range of public, private and third sector organisations, as well as local communities. Linda Hanna brings with her a deep understanding of economic and regional development as well as both public sector and academic delivery. 

Key to our work in building collaboration between the policy and research community, Professor Anand Menon has vast experience in enabling research-based evidence about politics and public policy. The Centre is already working closely with UK in a Changing Europe and will continue this collaboration in the coming weeks with a joint event to mark 25 years of the Scottish Parliament. 

The Centre for Public Policy looks forward to a productive partnership with our Advisory Board as we strive to make a positive impact on public policy development. To learn more about our Board please visit our website.

First published: 17 April 2024