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Privacy notice for subscribers

Your Personal Data

The University of Glasgow will be what’s known as the ‘Data Controller’ of your personal data processed in relation to you subscribing via a mailing list to receive communications from the University. This privacy notice will explain how the University of Glasgow will process your personal data.

Why we need it

The University will process your personal data to provide you with the communications you have subscribed to. 

If you consent to receive these communications, we will retain and use only the information which is necessary to communicate with you. This may include:

  • Your name and contact details (including your address, email address and telephone number(s));
  • Details of specific degree programmes or research areas of interest (if relevant)
  • Your job title and role (if relevant);
  • Details of University events you have attended (if relevant).

The communications we send you will be tailored to any preferences you have expressed.  

We will only collect data that we need in order to provide and oversee these services to you.

Legal basis for processing your data

We must have a legal basis for processing all personal data. In this instance the legal basis is;

Consent - We process your personal information for the purposes above based on your consent. You will be able to withdraw consent and unsubscribe to the communication you receive at any point by following the instruction provided on each communication we send you. Alternatively, you can contact us at socsci-comms@glasgow.ac.uk

What we do with it and who we share it with

If we wish to send you communications via a third party mailing service we will contact you by email to ask for your consent infroming you of the third party mailing service selected and sharing its data protection and privacy information .

If you consent to be added to the mailing service you will be able to unsubscribe at any time.

How long do we keep it for?

We will continue to keep your data until you withdraw your consent or unsubscribe from receiving a specific communication. We will delete your details if we become aware that your contact details are out of date or incorrect.

What are your rights?*

You can request access to the information we process about you at any time. If at any point you believe that the information we process relating to you is incorrect you can request to see this information and may in some instances have it restricted, corrected or, erased. You may also have the right to object to the processing of data and the right to data portability.

Where we have relied upon your consent to process your data, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact dp@gla.ac.uk

*please note that the ability to exercise these rights will depend on the legal basis on which the processing is being carried out.


If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact the University Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter.

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at dataprotectionofficer@glasgow.ac.uk

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). 

Amendments to this privacy policy

This privacy statement will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. It was last updated on 26 July 2023.