Explore all undergraduate degree programmes
Postgraduate taught
- Quantum Technology
- Advanced Functional Materials
- Sensors and Imaging Systems
- Theoretical Physics
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering with Management
- Electronics Manufacturing
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Explore all postgraduate degree taught programmes
Postgraduate research
- Postgraduate Research Opportunities in Physics
- Postgraduate Research Opportunities in Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral training in Applied Photonics
- International Graduate School for Quantum Technologies
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in intelligent Sensing and Measurement
Bitesized quantum
Want to understand a bit more about quantum technology? Watch some of our short and sharp videos and send us any questions via social media @qunatumUofG
Why is Entanglement so Powerful?
A brief explanation of why entanglement is so powerful using an argument developed by Einstein Podolsky Rosen known as the EPR paradox.
An Introduction to Cryptography
A brief and simple introduction to the basics of cryptography is presented.
An Introduction to Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
A brief and simple introduction to the principles behind quantum key distribution (QKD).