

editorial board

Tim Bergfelder (University of Southampton)

Malini Guha (Carleton University)

Rosalind Galt (Kings College London)

Amy Holdsworth (University of Glasgow)

Karen Lury (University of Glasgow)

David Martin-Jones (University of Glasgow)

Debashree Mukherjee (Columbia University)

Sarah Street (University of Bristol)

Joshua Yumibe (Michigan State University)


reports & debates editor

Joshua Yumibe


reviews editor

Karen Lury

production editor

Caroline Beven

journal & conference administrator 

Amy-Jo Brown

editorial office address

Gilmorehill Centre
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland


editorial advisory board 


Chris Berry
King's College London, UK

William Boddy
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Charlotte Brunsdon
University of Warwick, UK

John Caughie
University of Glasgow, UK

Elizabeth Cowie
University of Kent, UK

Sean Cubitt
Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Stephanie Donald
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

John Fletcher
University of Warwick, UK

Christine Geraghty
University of Glasgow, UK

Claudia Gorbman
University of Washington Tacoma, USA

Paul Grainge
University of Nottingham, UK

Catherine Grant
Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Lee Grieveson
University College London, UK

Laura U. Marks
Simon Fraser University, Canada

David Martin-Jones
University of Glasgow, UK

Lucia Nagib
University of Reading, UK

Diane Negra
University College Dublin, UK

Helen Piper
University of Bristol, UK

Laura Rascaroli
University College Cork, Ireland

Richard Rushton
Lancaster University, UK

Will Straw
McGill University, Canada

Julian Stringer
University of Nottingham, UK

Ravi Vasudevan
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India

Belén Vidal
King's College London, UK

Helen Wheatley
University of Warwick, UK

Ismail Xavier
University of São Paulo, Brazil