Lanthanide accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)

The precise detection of lanthanide isotopes benefits a diversity of endeavours, including astrophysics, nuclear forensics, fuel-cycle studies and even fundamental nuclear physics, and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is a suitable specialised tool for measuring the isotopic composition of nuclear and chemical samples. Working at SUERC in East Kilbride and in the Schools of Chemistry and Physics & Astronomy, ultrasensitive lanthanide isotope AMS is to be established on the 5 MV electrostatic tandem accelerator in pursuit of nuclear safeguarding and more. This highly interdisciplinary project would suit a chemist or physicist with instrumentation aptitude. It involves:

  • accelerator instrument training;
  • assessment of the role & nuclear physics of the several nuclides for the prioritisation of their measurement;
  • sample preparation chemistry & matrix selection based on the ion beam production achieved with the materials in a sputter ion source;
  • accelerated ion beam characterization and ion stopping detector modelling;
  • the manufacture and demonstration AMS of isotopically enriched synthetic test materials leading to the measurement of samples with elevated nuclide abundance made by sample irradiation. 

More information on our research can be found at:


Applicants are expected to hold Qualifications equivalent to a 2.1 or greater in a Chemistry or Physics BSc or MSci degree or Merit at MSc.

It is the University Glasgow’s mission to foster an inclusive climate, which ensures equality in our working, learning, research, and teaching environment. The College of Science and Engineering strongly endorses the principles of Athena SWAN, including a supportive and flexible working environment, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion.


Funding is available to cover tuition fees for 4 years, as well as paying a stipend at the Research Council rate (£19,237 for Session 2024-25). Normally, to be eligible for a full award a student must have no restrictions on how long they can stay in the UK and have been ordinarily resident in the UK or Ireland for at least 3 years prior to the start of the studentship.


Applications will be considered only until the position is filled.


Please email Prof Stewart Freeman ( if you have any questions.