UNESCO is delighted to announce the launch of its Inclusive Policy Lab.

The UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab works on the emerging issues of knowledge crowdsourcing and its translation into inclusive and equity-weighted policies. The online service of the Lab is specifically designed to web-enable such processes. The aim is to support the implementation of the SDGs’ pillar on inclusive development through informed and joined-up policy frameworks.  The Lab serves all those working on inclusive policies – i.e., knowledge producers, decision- and policy-makers, civil society, and international and development actors. All can employ the online service in their own work to jointly further inclusive development and the associated policy frameworks across countries and sectors.  

Research communities and knowledge producers can directly leverage the Lab. It will serve as an e-platform to connect immediately with a wide and international community of inclusive policy practitioners, development actors and other knowledge producers. It will also allow you to share your data and research directly with those in need of them, to boost policy uptake of your findings, and to extract evidence generated by others.

You can find out more about the Lab and register at http://en.unesco.org/inclusivepolicylab/user/register‌

 UNESCO Policy Lab

First published: 31 July 2017