We have teamed up with Refugee Voices Scotland and Refuweegee to record a series of monthly LIVE podcasts recording from the Refuweegee headquarters on 100 Byres Road. Dates and speakers will be published in advance on this page

The second of these sessions will take place on Wednesday the 19th of February at 12noon and will last approximately one hour. The recordings are free and open to all, there is no need to sign up in advance, just come along and join us!

The speaker for this session will be Olivia Ndoti, a student at Glasgow University, School of Education and a Community Activist.

Refugee Voices Scotland amplifies refugee stories to counteract distortion of their situation in the media, by giving refugees and refugee support organisations a voice.

Refuweegee provides a warm welcome to forcibly displaced people arriving in Glasgow. Their aim is to enable the existing community in extending the friendly welcome that Glasgow is world renowned for. They do this through welcome packs with messages from the lovals, events and volunteer opportunities. 

Spread the word! We hope to see you on the 19th of February!

First published: 11 February 2020