In this webinar, Alison Phipps with UNESCO RILA Artists in Residence and Dr Giovanna Fassetta of University of Glasgow will present the work of the UNESCO Chair, with a particular focus on the ways in which language may offer sanctuary. This will include an examination of different policies that focus on integration through language acquisition; a critical assessment of the pitfalls in focusing on language acquisition as a technological or technocratic 'fix' to the tasks accompanying integration; a discussion of the ways in which a monolingual perspective dominates and shapes understandings of the language acquisition; and a consideration of shifting policy landscapes.

In the presentation, Alison and colleagues will draw on insights from their work in Gaza, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Aoteaora, Scotland and in refugee communities which take a sanctuary view of language.

The webinar will include poetry, story, dance and song together with more traditional academic presentation.

The webinar is a joint event with the UEA UNESCO Chair and UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at Glasgow University, hosted by the UEA University of Sanctuary initiative.

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First published: 22 April 2020