The UK National Commission for UNESCO has published new research showing UNESCO projects can help build a greener, more equal and more peaceful world, while also creating financial value. 

The research highlights the cultural, environmental and financial value of 76 UNESCO projects in the UK. It reveals a creative network rooted in community, rich in potential, and impacting lives here and around the world.

Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General, said: "At a time when we all look for solutions to build more resilient societies after Covid-19, UNESCO sites offer a wealth of concrete actions to reinvent our relationship with nature, to develop decent jobs and foster social cohesion. This report by the UK National Commission to UNESCO is a blueprint for sustainability, and I believe all Countries can take inspiration from this research."

The UNESCO RILA team are delighted to be selectd as one of the key case studies in the report

Read the full story on University news! 

First published: 23 July 2020