Wednesday, 3 March, 2021 - 13:00 to 14:30

Join us for the penultimate webinar organised by the School of Education, which focus on key issues in educational research.

The focus of this webinar is research at the intersections between culture, literacies, inclusion and pedagogy, notably in regions of conflict, and through a focus on the arts, children's literature and literacies.

It considers work of the a number of the School of Education's large-scale projects funded by UK Research and Innovation, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy with a particular focus on those that come under the aegis of the Global Challenges Research Fund.

Researching Multilingually at Borders (Professor Alison Phipps).
This large-scale international comparative research project funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) considers translation and interpretation at different kinds of border developed theory, ethical research practices and research methodologies in relation to multilingual research. More info on the project at the RM Borders website

MIDEQ: migration for development and equality (Dr Tawona Sitole and Dr Gameli Tordzo).
MIDEQ is a large-scale Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) hub funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). It aims to transform understanding of the relationship between migration and inequality in the context of the Global South by decentring the production of knowledge about migration and its consequences away from the Global North towards those countries where most migration takes place. More info on the project at the MIDEQ website

Educational Peace Building in Acapulco and Medellin (Professor Evelyn Arizpe and Dr Sinead Gormally).
This project is funded by the British Academy via the GCRF. It seeks to create a detailed understanding of the infrastructure, engagement, resources and policies required to educationally transform a community in order to contribute to reducing the negative impacts of drug-related violence and crime. More info on the project at the School of Education website

Culture for Sustainable and Inclusive Peace Network+ (Dr Giovanna Fassetta and Dr Maria Grazia Imperiale).
This work is funded through the AHRC as part of the GCRF Collective Programme. CUSP N+'s aim is to strengthen arts and cultural institutions/organisations in LMICs so they can become a reference point for the identification and transformation of social conflict. More info on the project at the CUSP N+ website

There will follow a panel response, and all those who join the webinar will be able to pose questions to the speakers and panel. Everyone is welcome to join us - please register at eventbrite.  

Full details and instructions for joining will be circulated post registration. We look forward to your participation. 

First published: 24 February 2021