On 12th March 2021, the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership published its report, setting out its recommendations and evidence base to the Scottish Government for establishing a statutory framework for human rights that will bring internationally recognised human rights treaties into domestic law to protect and advance the realisation of human rights for everyone in Scotland.

The Taskforce is co-chaired by Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People, and Professor Alan Miller, Professor of Practice in Human Rights Law, University of Strathclyde and Independent Expert with UNDP Crisis Response. The Taskforce is comprised of members from the public sector and civil society, as well as legal and academic experts in human rights.

The Taskforce met with Professor Alison Phipps as Chair of the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy Core group, on 3 December 2020 during the programme of engagement with a wide range of groups across civil society and the public sector. The engagements informed the development of recommendations for a statutory framework for human rights in Scotland.

Read the full report here: National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership Report

You can also view a Summary of stakeholder engagement events which informed the report. 


First published: 16 March 2021