On 23 May 2022, Carol Adams (Durham University) and the Observatory, in collaboration with Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal, had the pleasure to host an online workshop on the topic. There were more than 700 registrations for the event and delegates attended from across the world.


  • Begoña Giner Inchausti (University of Valencia)
  • Dr Mario Abela (Senior professor of practice, IESEG School of Management)
  • Eelco van der Enden (Executive Officer, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI))
  • Judy Kuszewski (Chair, Global Sustainability Standards Board)
  • Shameela Soobramoney (Chief Sustainability Officer, Johannesburg Stock Exchange)
  • David Atkin (CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment)
  • Esther An (Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited)
  • Jeffrey Hales (Chair of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) at Value Reporting Foundation.

In case you missed the event and the interesting debates and discussion, you can access the recording on Zoom:

Zoom - Special issue on Standard-Setting of Sustainability

Further information: Ioannis.Tsalavoutas@glasgow.ac.uk 

First published: 23 May 2022

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