The UNESCO RILA team is happy to be collaborating on the 5th International Conference of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Migration, Transnationalism and Racisms Network (MTRN) in Glasgow next Spring.

The 3 day conference will take place Wednesday 22 - Friday 24 April 2020 at Partick Burgh Halls, Glasgow, Scotland. 

Transnational migration is one of the defining characteristics of the 21st century, dramatically affecting not only the lives of those who migrate, but also the lives and communities of those among whom migrants come to live and work. The MTRN creates a space to explore the role of adult education and learning in all its forms (formal and informal), and locations (community, workplace, institutional), in relation to migration, transnationalism and the new lines of exclusion and social hierarchies created. It encourages critical dialogue in this emerging field with the aim of developing new theoretical and methodological resources and understandings.

This conference seeks to explore universal and particular aspects in analysis of racism and in anti-racist praxis. Our intention is to bring together individuals and teams for whom adult education and learning constitute crucial and critical factors in achieving more inclusive and more solidly democratic society. We understand adult education and learning in a broad sense to include formal/ informal, individual/ group-based, theoretical and action-guided, arts-based etc. We hope the conference will include a wide range of contributors: academic and non-academic researchers, practitioners in the field of migration and social policy, educators from tertiary institutions, NGOs and community groups, art and sports educators, campaigners, organizers and others engaged in the field.

We invite contributions exploring, but not necessarily limited to, the following thematic clusters:

  • Understanding commonalities and specificities of racism and right-wing populism between countries and regions
  • Migration and integration policies, their implementation, understanding and societal reactions
  • Diversity of experiences among those affected
  • Anti-racist civil society in action
  • Research on adult education/learning and the study of racism and anti-racism

Key Dates: 

  • Deadline for the submission of abstracts 15 November 2019 
  • Acceptance of proposals will be announced 17 December 2019

For the full call for papers and further information please see the conference website.

First published: 23 September 2019