
A selection of publications from the UNESCO Chair team, our projects and our colleagues.

  • Phipps, A., 'On Strike on Mother Language Day: Critical Reflections, Toilet Signs and Language Geneaologies' and 'A World Glasgow Minding on the International Day of Peace' in Hospitable Linguistics: Alternative, Indigenous and Critical Approaches to Language Research and Language Encounters, eds. Faraclas, N. G., Storch, A., Velupillai, V. (2025) - two chapters in book exploring the possibilities of what the authors call a 'hospitable linguistics'. Available to pre-order now from Multilingual Matters.
  • Yohannes, H., Phipps, A., Sitholé, T. (eds.), Cultures of Sustainable peace: Conflict Transformation, Gender-Based Violence, Decolonial Praxes (2024) - this book shifts the focus of peacebuilding away from nation-states and international organisations to make a powerful argument that sustainable peacebuilding is the work of ordinary people. It brings together work done in Gaza, Ghana, Mexico, Morocco and Zimbabwe, alongside work with refugees in Scotland, to argue for a place for successful intercultural relations as a central aim of peacebuilding, moving beyond the more usual focus on economic development.
  • Phipps, A., ''I hope you love it': poetry, protest and posthumous publishing with and for Palestinian colleagues in Gaza during scholasticide' in Curriculum Perspectives (2024) - a short Point and Counterpoint contribution offering the statements and obituaries written by UNESCO RIELA through the first year of the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
  • Badwan, K., Phipps, A., Keep Telling of Gaza (2024) - a beautifully painful call-and-response poetry book. All proceeds of the book are going towards educational initiatives in Gaza.
  • Sitholé, T., 'Kufunda Hakuperi' (2024) - poem created and performed for the School of Education's 25th anniversary celebrations at the University of Glasgow.

Kufunda Hakuperi

Seeds of Antiracist Education