What could you do with Quantum Imaging?
Scientific excellence and international research leadership are the foundations on which QuantIC has built its industry-facing programme.
Quantum is an enabling technology underpinning sensing and imaging developments in areas spanning: healthcare, defence and security, intelligent transport systems, space and low orbit and climate change.
We combine single photon sensing with nonlinear optics, computational methods, and a range of specialised detectors to advance imaging technology.
Contact our Business Development Manager, Chris to discuss how you can work with QuantIC

Imaging through the brain
Portable detection of head injuries, strokes and brain disorders

Ultra-Low Noise Sensing

Single Fibre Imager
Imaging through an optical fibre, the width of a human hair.

Seeing with undetected light
Security & Defence


AI-Assisted imaging of concealed weapons
Real-time, at range detection of concealed weapons for police and border security